
Location: Pedder Street (Pedder Bank) | Accessibility category: Featured attractions | Accessibility information: Pedder Street is a secondary

Accessibility Index
Attractions Evaluation
The entrance and exit are equipped with manual doors, or there are steps, or the width is not suitable, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must be assisted by others
The passage is high or low or has a few steps, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must be assisted by others
There is no need or a wide drop lift to reach all floors, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can use them alone
The attitude of the staff is acceptable and can provide basic services for wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility
Space channels are narrow, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must assist others

suitable category

  • Family family
  • Elderly
  • Couple
  • Photoman
  • Pregnant woman

Local Facilities

  •   Available by subway (within 15 minutes walk)
  •   Bus reachable (within 15 minutes walk)


Pedder Bank was built in 1923, formerly known as Pedder Bank. It is located at 12 Pedder Street, Central and Western District, Hong Kong. It is a historical commercial building in Hong Kong and the last surviving pre-war building on Pedder Street. The Antiquities and Monuments Office is listed as a Grade II historical building. A total of 12,700 square feet of floor space from the ground floor to the third floor is leased to American brand clothing Abercrombie & Fitch, while the upper floor houses a number of boutiques, art exhibition spaces and Rende Medical Center.


Accessibility description

Pedder Bank is a Grade II historical building and basically has no barrier-free facilities. Wheelchair users are not recommended to go alone.

 FG Tips

Pedder Bank is a Grade II historical building with no barrier-free facilities. Wheelchair users are not recommended to go alone.

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Relevant information

Address : Shop 307, 12 Pedder St, Central

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Traffic Information

Accessibility Index
- There are a lot of bus routes to reach
1) Central
Meeting Facilities
MTR Central Station Exit D1

Meeting Facilities


- The main entrance of Pedder Bank is at No. 12 Pedder Street. There are stone steps at the main entrance and shop entrance, so wheelchair users cannot get on and off alone.

Channel Design

- Most of the shops on the ground floor to the 3rd floor of Pedder Bank are narrow in design, which is not suitable for wheelchair users.
- There are a large number of stairs in the up and down passages


- 畢打行地下至3樓商店不設暢通易達洗手間


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