
Victoria Peak Garden

Venue: Victoria Peak Garden | Classification of Accessibility: Leisure Park | Accessibility Information: Victoria Peak Garden

Accessibility Index
Attractions Evaluation
The entrance and exit are equipped with manual doors, and the width is roughly suitable for wheelchairs to pass through, some of which may require assistance from others
The passage is generally flat and wide or has a ramp, but some of it may require assistance from others
There is no need or a wide drop lift to reach all floors, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can use them alone
There is an accessible toilet, wheelchair/person with reduced mobility can use it alone
The staff is friendly and courteous, and can provide consulting services for wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility
The space channel is generally wide and flat, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility may require assistance from others

suitable category

  • Family family
  • Physical Disability
  • Manual wheelchair
  • Wheelchair companion
  • Electric wheelchair
  • Elderly
  • Visually impaired people
  • Couple
  • Photoman
  • Pregnant woman

Local Facilities

  •   Lead Path
  •   Touch Map
  •   Guide Dogs are welcome
  •   Bus reachable (within 30 minutes walk)


The Peak Park is located on Mount Austin Road in Victoria Peak, Hong Kong Island, close to the peak of Victoria Peak, and looks west at Pokfulam Reservoir, Lantau Island and Lamma Fengcai Power Station. The scenery looks towards the Rambler Strait to the northwest and the radio station on the top of the mountain to the northeast. The original site of the Peak Park was the hilltop villa of the Governor of Hong Kong. It was demolished in 1946 because it was damaged by the war during the Hong Kong Defence War, and the open space was developed into the Peak Park. The guard room and corner stone of the original villa have been preserved, and the guard room has been listed as a legal monument in Hong Kong. Initially, there was a photo exhibition to introduce the history of the mountain top and the villa, but it is now an office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and is not open to the public.

Accessibility description

It is equipped with simple barrier-free facilities, including accessible toilets. The design does not fully consider the needs of wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility. There are ramps in a small number of uneven places, and many other places have stone steps. Wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility should be especially careful.

 FG Tips

The Peak Park is located on the top of Daping Mountain. The traffic is not very convenient and there are not enough barrier-free facilities. It is recommended that wheelchair users do not go alone.

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Relevant information

Address : 31 Mount Austin Rd, The Peak

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Traffic Information

Accessibility Index
- Only a small number of bus routes can be reached or it takes more than 20 minutes to walk to get off the subway
1) Central
Meeting Facilities
From Exit A of MTR Central Station, go to Exchange Square and transfer to Bus No. 15 to The Peak Galleria, and then walk for about 30 minutes. It is recommended that wheelchair users directly take a private car, taxi or rehabilitation bus to Peak Park.

Meeting Facilities


- The main entrance to the Peak Park is at 31 Lugard Road on the Peak

Channel Design

- Most areas of the Peak Park are designed with wide passages, which are generally suitable for wheelchair users
- There are a lot of stairs in other places
- A small number of uneven places are equipped with ramps, the ramps are relatively steep, and wheelchair users cannot get on and off alone


- The Peak Park has an accessible toilet


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