
Hong Kong 3D Art Museum

Venue: Hong Kong 3D Art Museum | Accessibility category: Art Museum | Accessibility information: Hong Kong 3D Art Museum only has a few barrier-free

Accessibility Index
Attractions Evaluation
The entrance and exit are equipped with manual doors, or there are steps, or the width is not suitable, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must be assisted by others
The passage is generally flat and wide or has a ramp, but some of it may require assistance from others
There is a basic lift, you may need assistance from others when using it
There is an accessible toilet, wheelchair/person with reduced mobility can use it alone
The attitude of the staff is acceptable and can provide basic services for wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility
The space channel is generally wide and flat, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility may require assistance from others

suitable category

  • Physical Disability
  • Electric wheelchair
  • Wheelchair companion
  • Elderly
  • Pregnant woman
  • Family family
  • Photoman

Local Facilities

  •   Available by subway (within 15 minutes walk)
  •   Bus reachable (within 15 minutes walk)


Hong Kong's first 3D art museum "Hong Kong 3D Fantasy World" is located at the Hilton Tower in Tsim Sha Tsui East. It covers an area of more than 10,000 square feet and exhibits more than 70 3D works. It is divided into five themed areas, including "Hong Kong Culture" and "Chinese Culture". ", "Romantic Journey", "Fantasy World" and "3D Experience Theme", there will be shooting guidelines next to each work to create a 3D photo. The most special one is the theme of Hong Kong culture, because this area allows everyone to travel through time and space, not only can enjoy the scenery in modern Hong Kong, but also can go back to the past to recall the feelings of Hong Kong in the past, which is absolutely unique in the world.

Accessibility description

The Hong Kong 3D Art Museum has only a few barrier-free facilities, including lifts and accessible toilets. Most of the uneven places, and only a few have ramps, which are relatively flat so that wheelchair users can easily get on and off.

 FG Tips

The Hong Kong 3D Art Museum is located in the Hilton Tower, and wheelchair users are advised not to go alone.

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Relevant information


Adult HK$168

Children (3-11 years old) HKD 120

Elderly (65 years old or above) HKD 120

Address : 1/F Hilton Tower 96 Granville Rd Kowloon Hong Kong

Enquiries : 2721-9318

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Traffic Information

Accessibility Index
- There are a lot of bus routes to reach
Meeting Facilities
From Exit P2 of MTR East Tsim Sha Tsui Station, there will be a lift to the ground, along Mody Road to Mody Plaza, then to Granville Square to the Hilton Tower.

Meeting Facilities


- The main exit population of Hilton Tower is at 96 Granville Road

Channel Design

- Most of the passages in the Hilton Tower are narrow, making it difficult for wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility to enter and exit
- There is a lift for up and down, located near the main entrance
- There are only a few ramps in most high and low places


- Equipped with accessible toilets


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