
Tung Ping Chau

Location: Tung Ping Chau | Accessibility category: Outlying islands | Accessibility information: Among the barrier-free facilities on Tung Ping Chau

Accessibility Index
Attractions Evaluation
The entrance and exit are equipped with manual doors, and the width is roughly suitable for wheelchairs to pass through, some of which may require assistance from others
The passage is high or low or has a few steps, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must be assisted by others
There is no need or a wide drop lift to reach all floors, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can use them alone
There are gender-free toilets, which may require assistance from others before use
The staff is friendly and courteous, and can provide consulting services for wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility
The space channel is generally wide and flat, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility may require assistance from others

suitable category

  • Family family
  • Couple
  • Photoman


Tung Ping Chau, the flat island on the easternmost side of Hong Kong, is entirely composed of sedimentary rocks. The sea-eroded landforms along the coast vary greatly. The interesting shale and various other natural wonders have made Tung Ping Chau a famous geological and landform treasure house in Hong Kong, and it has also been included in the scope of the Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark. This hiking route is very simple, just follow the country trail around the island, you can walk through the island's popular attractions.

Accessibility description

Among the barrier-free facilities on Tung Ping Chau, only the accessible toilets are located near the pier. After the pier is ashore, there are some flat roads. Most of the places are narrow, and there are many uneven places and relatively steep. It is completely unsuitable for wheelchair users. People are not recommended to go alone.

 FG Tips

Tung Ping Chau is included in the scope of the Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark. Most of the island is mountain roads, which are completely unsuitable for wheelchair users.

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Relevant information

Opening hours:

Take Public Pier and leave at Tung Ping Chau Public Pier. There is only one boat returning to Ma Liu shui a day. Please pay attention to the time (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays only).

Address : Tung Ping Chau, New Territories

Website :

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Traffic Information

Accessibility Index
- Walk more than 20 minutes to get off the bus and need assistance from an escort
Meeting Facilities
Board a ferry at Tung Ping Chau Public Pier. From Exit B of MTR University Station, turn on the left hand side, go straight along the ramp of Chak Cheung Street, passing the toilets for the disabled, and then transfer to Public Pier (services on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays only).

Meeting Facilities


There are some flat roads outside the pier on Tung Ping Chau Island, most of which are narrow, and there are many uneven places and relatively steep, which is completely unsuitable for wheelchair users.

Channel Design

- Most places of Tung Ping Chau have narrow passageways, which are totally unsuitable for wheelchair users.
- There are no ramps in most uneven places, and wheelchair users cannot get on and off alone


- There are accessible toilets on Tung Ping Chau near the pier


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