
Neway Entertainment Limited

Location: Neway, Tsim Sha Tsui | Accessibility category: Karaoke | Accessibility information: Neway, Tsim Sha Tsui has no barrier-free facilities, onl

Accessibility Index
Attractions Evaluation


There are no barrier-free facilities in Neway, Tsim Sha Tsui East. There is only one elevator, stone steps at the door and no accessible toilets. The design fully considers the needs of wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility. It is recommended that wheelchair users do not go alone. MTR East Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit P.

 FG Tips

There are stone steps at the entrance of the gate, so wheelchair users should pay special attention.

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Relevant information

Address : TST East Harbour Crystal CEO

Enquiries : 2721-3303

Website :

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Traffic Information

Meeting Facilities
MTR East Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit P

Meeting Facilities


- Tsim Sha Tsui Harbour Crystal The main entrance and exit of Neway is at the Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road in the east of Tsim Sha Tsui. The exit population at the gate has a stone level. Wheelchair users should be especially careful.

Channel design

- Most of the passages in Neway are designed to be broadly designed, which are generally suitable for wheelchair users;
- There is an elevator at the entrance of the lobby;
- There are no ramps in a small number of uneven places, and wheelchair users cannot get on and off alone


- Neway does not have accessible toilets


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