
Kwun Chung Municipal Services Building

Location: Kwun Chung Market | Accessibility category: Market | Accessibility information: Kwun Chung Market has a number of barrier-free facilities

Accessibility Index
Attractions Evaluation
The entrance is equipped with an automatic door or no door, and it is wide and suitable for wheelchairs to enter and leave alone
The passage is generally flat and wide or has a ramp, but some of it may require assistance from others
There is a basic lift, you may need assistance from others when using it
There are gender-free toilets, which may require assistance from others before use
The staff is friendly and courteous, and can provide consulting services for wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility
The space channel is generally wide and flat, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility may require assistance from others

suitable category

  • Manual wheelchair
  • Wheelchair companion
  • Electric wheelchair
  • Elderly
  • Lone Ranger

Local Facilities

  •   Touch Map
  •   Available by subway (within 15 minutes walk)
  •   Bus reachable (within 15 minutes walk)


Kwun Chung Municipal Services Building is a diversified and comprehensive municipal building in Hong Kong. It is located on Bowring Street, Jordan, Kowloon. It houses an indoor stadium, government offices, a cooked food center and Kwun Chung Market. Although the streets around the Kwun Chung Market are relatively sparsely crowded and there are not many fresh food shops, if you enter the market and take a closer look, you will find that it is still partially active even though it is not found in the market even during the morning rush hours Halfway to the trace of grocery shopping customers, many packaging and transportation work is still limited, and in the high-level cooked food center, a large number of lunch boxes are being prepared for delivery. It can be seen that the Kwun Chung Market has been removed from the public The transformation of the market is mainly used for wholesale and serving enterprises or group customers.

Accessibility description

Kwun Chung Market has a number of barrier-free facilities, including entrances and exits, passages, lifts, special parking spaces for the disabled and accessible toilets, etc. The design fully considers the needs of wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility, and most of the uneven places are equipped The ramp, which is relatively flat, makes it easy for wheelchair users to get on and off.

 FG Tips

Kwun Chung Market is relatively sparsely crowded, and the food in the high-level cooked food center is still OK, so people in wheelchairs should not try

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Relevant information

Address : 17 Bowring Street, Yau Ma Tei

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Traffic Information

1) Austin
Meeting Facilities
MTR Austin Station Exit F
2) Battery Street Jordan
Bus routes: 2E, 3C, 8, 11, 14, 36B, 42A, 60X, 63X, 69X, 81, 95, 110, 203C, 203E, 238X, 260X, 268B, 268X, 269X

Meeting Facilities


- The main entrance and exit of Kwun Chung Market is at Kwun Chung Street, with ramps at the entrance, which is very suitable for wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility

Channel design

- Most areas of Kwun Chung Market are designed with wide passageways, which are generally suitable for wheelchair users
- There are multiple lifts on and off, located next to the entrance
- Most uneven places are equipped with ramps, the ramps are relatively flat, so wheelchair users can easily get on and off


- There are 2 accessible toilets in the market, located on 1/F and 2/F

Parking space

- There are parking spaces for the disabled near the Municipal Building near Bowring Street


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