譚仔三哥米線 TamJai SamGor Mixian

譚仔三哥米線 TamJai SamGor Mixian-Bad rating-1
譚仔三哥米線 TamJai SamGor Mixian--2
譚仔三哥米線 TamJai SamGor Mixian-Good rating-2
譚仔三哥米線 TamJai SamGor Mixian
Accessibility Index :
Overall rating :

Kowloon Bay偉業街33號德福廣場二期6樓613號舖
HK$0 - 50
  • 滇菜 (雲南)
  • 粉麵/米線
Entrance and Exit-2 Channel level design-2 Toilet for the disabled-2 Space-2 Dining table-1

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Accessibility Index

Entrance and Exit :
Channel level design :
Toilet for the disabled :
Space :
Dining table :

- The entrance and exit are equipped with manual doors, and the width is roughly suitable for wheelchairs to pass through, some of which may require assistance from others

- The passage is generally flat and wide or has a ramp, but some of it may require assistance from others

- There are gender-free toilets, which may require assistance from others before use

- The space channel is generally wide and flat, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility may require assistance from others

- The dining table has no knee space under the table or the height is not suitable, making it difficult for wheelchair users to use

譚仔三哥米線 TamJai SamGor MixianMeeting Facilities


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