華岸酒吧扒房 The China Coast Bar + Grill

華岸酒吧扒房 The China Coast Bar + Grill-Bad rating-0
華岸酒吧扒房 The China Coast Bar + Grill--2
華岸酒吧扒房 The China Coast Bar + Grill-Good rating-2
華岸酒吧扒房 The China Coast Bar + Grill
Accessibility Index :
Overall rating :

Chek Lap Kok暢達路9號富豪機場酒店地下
HK$101 - 200
  • 美國菜
  • 無肉餐單
  • 龍蝦濃湯, 風乾30天特級肉眼扒, 松露煎鵝肝及和免翁牛柳, 烤地中海紅蝦, 頂級安格斯漢堡配香脆薯條, 炸魚薯條
Entrance and Exit-3 Channel level design-3 Space-3 Dining table-2

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Accessibility Index

Entrance and Exit :
Channel level design :
Space :
Dining table :

- The entrance is equipped with an automatic door or no door, and it is wide and suitable for wheelchairs to enter and leave alone

- The aisle is flat and wide or has a ramp, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can enter and leave alone

- There is a special location for the disabled or a wide passage, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can use them alone

- The table design is suitable for wheelchair users

華岸酒吧扒房 The China Coast Bar + GrillMeeting Facilities


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