

  Activity number : 0000000148

Event Information


Service Details

大澳漁村擁有百年歷史,水上風光依舊,時間彷彿靜止,海產、棚屋、殖民建築等等,保留了令人懷緬的純樸古貌,今次FreeGuider會帶你一齊遊水鄉回味舊時光。午膳於寶蓮禪寺齋堂品嚐美味「佛門素齋宴」, 親臨全世界最高的青銅「天壇大佛」山頂近距離遊覽 ,暢遊寶蓮禪寺大雄寶殿、心經簡林、昂坪市集等名勝之地。

08:30 - 集合 -  集合於 : 東涌港鐵站A出口
09:00 - 乘搭無障礙巴士 > 大澳
10:00 - 到達大澳
10:00 - 11:30 - 大澳水鄉活動
12:00 - 乘搭無障礙巴士從大澳 > 寶蓮寺
12:20 - 到達寶蓮寺
13:00 - 14:00 - 寶蓮禪寺齋堂午膳
14:00 - 15:45 - 自由活動於 ( 寶蓮寺 / 昂坪市集 ) 
16:00 - 集合於天壇大佛旅遊巴士停泊處
16:15 - 乘搭無障礙巴士從寶蓮寺>東涌港鐵站A出口
17:30 - 到達東涌港鐵站 (全日活動完畢) 

Registration start and deadline
# 服務 # Travel and Outdoor # Adult # Elderly # Family # Persons with disabilities

Organiser : Free Guider

FREE GUIDER is committed to building a barrier-free world that allows people with reduced mobility to share their experiences with each other, while helping them and their relatives and friends make outbound routes so that they can more freely go where they want to go. Through the online and mobile communication platform, we hope to provide the most comprehensive and accurate accessibility information while allowing the public and the community to better understand the concept and importance of a barrier-free society and to promote public participation in improving barrier-free facilities in the long run. Achieve accessibility to the world.